Rare National Network and Content Site in the Special Education Niche

High Quality Content Built Over 20 Years

Chandler, AZ

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Year Established
1 full time and 1 part time



As a nationally recognized and respected organization, this company was founded to ensure that every child, regardless of their abilities, receives a quality education. Supporting and advocating for educators working with students with special needs, the company offers a range of resources, training and networking opportunities. Benefits to its members include professional development seminars, publications, and access to research and legislative updates all of which contribute to the company’s rich IP content.

Having initially generated revenue through membership and other membership-related sales, the organization shifted its focus about 5 years ago to grow its board certification programs and to diversify products to expand beyond the core revenue source of membership. With a new certification program under development due for launch Summer 2024 and a new professional development program planned for the Fall of 2024, the company continues to expand and generate new revenue streams which will be beneficial for the brand and a new owner.

Over the past five years, the organization has experienced remarkable growth having increased gross sales by 77.2%, and gross profit by 81% over this time period. This surge in demand, driven by a larger student population in need of special services and a limited supply of qualified teachers, underscores the increasing need for the organization's offerings as well as unrealized growth potential.

This is an outstanding business opportunity for any buyer looking to acquire a successful business in the special needs education space with rich IP content and a rare national network of special education teachers and organizations!

Key Benefits
• Great Reputation with Brand Recognition
• IP Content - High Quality Content Built Over 20 Years
• Rare national network of special ed teachers and organizations
• Good Customer Relations
• Excellent Employee Relations
• Management and Executive Talent and Innovation
• Customer Lists
• Earning Capacity
• Prestige of the Business
• Ownership of a Well-Known and Respected Trade Name
• Record of Successful Operation over a Prolonged Period of Time
• Solid Base in a Niche Market
• High Quality Content Built Over 20 Years
• Multiple Certification Programs that Continue to Grow
• New Products Underway
• Unrealized Growth Potential

Growth Prospects

Building on its well establish foundation and solid performance, there are many areas where a larger organization with the manpower and economies of scale would be able to grow this business, including but not limited to:

• Expanded Marketing
• Exploration of a Parent Site
• More Modern Website
• Increased SEO to Increase Traffic
• Webinars
• Local, State, and National Conferences
• Mobile Apps - that support special education teachers’ needs
• Start Local Chapters - to build the brand at the local level
• Future Modernization of Publications
• Exploration of International Membership


Reason for Selling

Pursue Other Interests





Chandler, AZ

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