Asking Price
Gross Revenue
Cash Flow
Locally owned footwear store in Clearwater, FL. In operation for over 12 years, 10 in
the current location. Lots of goodwill and regular customers. Located in a secure shopping
center anchored by large retailers, restaurants, and movie theaters.
Sells 30+ Top selling brands of comfortable & fashionable footwear, incl. active sandals,
flip-flops, and more. Also, accessories include handbags, socks, and more.
Price includes the registered business name, brick/mortar store location, and the
branded active website.
Also, led logo sign, lighting systems, all furniture, wall accessories, pos system, checkout
computer, and more. Also, all the footwear brands established accounts.
100% active turnkey business. Owners are retiring.
The store is fully stocked with inventory that is available for purchase to keep the business
100% fully stocked and operational. The amount buyer wants to purchase is totally negotiable.
Attention foreigner sicking an E2 Visa and a nice place to relocate: This business may
qualify for the E2. SELLER MOTIVATED, retiring.
Reason for Selling
one week for free
shopping Center
Clearwater, FL
Contact The Seller
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