Health & Wellness Franchise Opportunity Looking to Expand in the Midwest

Missouri, MO

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Business Highlights:

- Revolutionary and Unique System That Delivers Extraordinary Results

- No Known Competitors

- Excellent Recurring Revenue Business Model

- Comprehensive Support and Robust Infrastructure

- Strong, Trusted Brand that Commands Respect in the Market

- Offers the Potential for Multi-Unit Expansion and Higher Returns

- Dedicated to Improving Lives Through Health and Wellness

- Membership-Based Integrated Health & Wellness System with a Focus on Musculoskeletal Strengthening

- Trained coaches work with clients of all ages and all levels to promote skeletal strength in the entire body in many ways using a process known as Osteogenic Loading.

- System builds stronger bones, reduces joint and back pain, increases overall strength, improves balance and posture, and helps improve immune system.



Training & support included.



Missouri, MO

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Ad Id: fz1902 | LST1206