Asking Price
Gross Revenue
Cash Flow
With a stellar reputation for fashion and a unique list of designer brands, this 26 y/o women's fashion boutique has consistently hit $1m in annual revenue with over $400k SDE. Located in an idyllic Silicon Valley town surrounded by coffee shops, wine-tasting rooms, and restaurants with a lot of foot traffic and ample parking.
This is THE LIFESTYLE business for someone passionate about Fashion. Biannual buying trips to Europe, staying in lavish hotels, flying first class. That is the lifestyle of the current owner and you can have it all. The owner is willing to introduce you to relationships in the European fashion industry and share her model for success. Live your passion. 11386
Reason for Selling
12 weeks, 10 hours per week
Hours Tuesday through Saturday from 11 am to 6 pm
SBA pre-approved
Santa Clara County, CA
Contact The Seller
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