Asking Price
Gross Revenue
Cash Flow
This company has been providing quality pool and spa services and supplies to Northern California for 40+ years. The company provides maintenance and repair service, equipment sales and installation and general pool supplies. Sales average $1M consistently year over year with an average SDE of $105k. Each year the company also averages about $400k in sales and service from their weekly pool routes. The business operates out of a 2,900 sqft building with a parking lot. Real estate is available for purchase or the landlord will offer a 3–5 year lease. The business is not location dependent and could be moved to a more industrial location to reduce the lease costs.
Reason for Selling
2 weeks, 20 hours per week
The current lease is month to month, a new lease is available,
Hours Monday through Friday 9 am to 5 pm, Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm
Licenses: CDTFA, C61, D35, Hazmat, CCC Sanitary
California, CA
Contact The Seller
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