Asking Price
Gross Revenue
Not Disclosed
Cash Flow
Not Disclosed
Established , Fantastic Auto Repair Shop, Costa Mesa, Near Beach
This Auto Repair Shop has an outstanding location near an extremely busy intersection. Plenty of parking and room for vehicles. The shop stays busy based on its great location and loyal customer base with minimal marketing required. Additional services, such as Smog Testing, can be added!
The shop is very clean and attractive, making a very effective work space and making a terrific first impression for customers and solidifying that all important trust factor. Another major business is opening right next door to the shop which will increase the visibility and traffic by leaps and bounds.
Lease term : 5 years with a 5 year option. Rent rate including CAM estimated $4700
The seller would never dream of selling this business, but personal circumstances have forced them to sell.
Take advantage of this great opportunity to reach your next level of success!
Detailed Information
Location: Costa Mesa, CA
Inventory:Included in asking price
Facilities: They have 3 lifts and all other equipment needed to carry out business in the shop.
Growth & Expansion:Business can be expanded in a number of ways. The shop does very little advertising or marketing, which is always essential to drive revenue. It also has the equipment to offer additional services like smog checks or more of a focus on tire replacement or repair.
Support & Training:2 weeks
Reason for Selling:Family health issues.
Costa Mesa, CA
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