Auto Repair & Service Shops

Eshtablished Auto Repair & Service Shops

Canoga Park, CA

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Seller Financing


Year Established
2 full time
Business Structure
Sole Proprietorship
$8,500 (Included in asking price)
FFE(Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment)
$32,000 (Included in asking price)



Established auto repair business same location for over 12 years.
Fully equipped, including all needed tools. Reduced estimated value is $32K including all needed hand tools as well as shop tools and equipment. This is valued for at least $60K for a two-bay shop.
The owner will show the potential buyer the seller discretionary earnings of about $55K plus per annum, which makes this offer a very attractive package, and makes the return on investment very good. The business has about $8,500 in saleable inventory.


Reason for Selling

Main Family issue


To be determined



Corner shop in a car repair mini mall with two lifts, a storage area, as well as an office area. Total shop size about 1,500 SF.


Canoga Park, CA

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