Asking Price
Gross Revenue
Cash Flow
This established retail store and cigar smoking lounge is a destination spot for the Greater Grand Rapids and surrounding area’s cigar aficionados, as well, as return customers from out-of-state and Canada. It also services multiple West Michigan golf courses and retail outlets. In business for over 30 years, it is known for a high level of customer service to aficionados and first-time customers alike. Its walk-in humidor is the largest in West Michigan and is filled with the best premium, hand-rolled cigars in the industry. This business also offers cigar accessories, pipe tobacco and ample seating in its clean, comfortable, media-enable lounge in which to enjoy a great cigar with friends and coworkers.
The demographics of the area are favorable to increased customer traffic and expansion opportunities are present to include on-line sales and furthered wholesale.
Growth Prospects
-Gross revenue and cash flow have been steady
-Possible incorporation of food and alcohol
-Open additional locations in underserved markets
-Create additional wholesale opportunities
Reason for Selling
Owner would like to retire
-Owner will train for transitional period and assist with:
-Monthly OTP tax submission process
-Annual smoking exemption renewal process
-Introduction to suppliers/manufacturer reps
-Introduction to customer regulars
-Largest walk-in humidor in West Michigan
-Comfortable cigar smoking lounge with ventilation sys.
-State of Michigan Cigar Bar Smoking Exemption
-Well established location within the marketing area
Michigan, MI
Contact The Seller
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