Pool & Spa Retail Shop

Pool & Spa Retail Shop

Weston, FL

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Seller Financing


Year Established
1 full time
Business Structure
$35,000 (Included in asking price)
1144 sq.ft.



Swimming pool retail store providing expert advice and everything you need to care for pools and spa. Operating from the same location since 1991, this independent family owned and operated business (not a franchise) is a one stop pool and spa shop servicing West Broward County with excellent and friendly customer service. They also offer replacement parts, installations and repair services for pool equipment. This is a recession proof business and performed well during the COVID-19 pandemic. Owner wants to retire and pursue other interests. He has not been investing in advertising and only opens 6 days a week. Great opportunity for the new owner to increase sales by advertising, by opening the store on Sundays and by offering pool maintenance services.

Growth Prospects

Owner stopped investing in advertising years ago and only opens 6 days a week. The new owner may be able to increase sales by doing proper advertising, by opening the store on Sundays and by offering pool maintenance services.

In addition, there are many Spanish speaking customers in the area but the owner does not speak Spanish. He feels that if he could also speak Spanish, he would be able to keep more happy customers.


Reason for Selling

Non-compete for 5 years, 100 miles.


Owner will train for 2 weeks at no cost.
Required licenses are fast and easy to obtain.



Weston, FL

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Ad Id: mu852 | 386-230223