Asking Price
Gross Revenue
Cash Flow
Auto Window Tint business in prime Sacramento location. Offers window tint, paint protection and ceramic coating. Purchase includes all of the equipment and materials needed to run a busy tinting business, database of all past clients and introductions to local car dealerships that refer business. Currently run by two owners, no employees will transfer with the business. Facility has 1 bay door and a large workspace where 4 cars can be worked on simultaneously. Building is available for lease or for sale. The building has two other units which have tenants = rental income. Owners started the company in 2018 and have a new venture they want to pursue.
Reason for Selling
New business venture
2 weeks, 40 hours per week
Real Estate is available to purchase but not included in the purchase price,
A new lease is available
Hours Monday thru |Friday from 9 am to 5 pm, Saturday from9 am to 3 pm
Sacramento County, CA
Contact The Seller
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