Profitable Large Scale Graphics Printing Business for Sale

Profitable large scale printing business with excellent growth opportunities!

Missouri, MO

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Print Print


Year Established
5 full time
Lease Expiration
Jan 1, 1970
3000 sq.ft.



Business Highlights:

• Greater than 20% growth rate for 5 straight years until COVID in 2020, which was still up -14% in ’20 & ’21, and rebounded strong in ’22 with 50% growth and 21% growth in ’23.

• Solid base of customers, especially in education, hospitality and print shop outsource partners.

• Updated equipment and very stable staff, with Production Manager at 8 years and Marketing Manager at 5 years.

• Very affordable rent at $8.75 per square foot, free standing building (3000 sq. Ft.) located on major highway exit. Currently two years lease extension that is transferable.

• Products & Services: large indoor and outdoor graphics, vehicle and fleet wraps, window graphics and tradeshow display & more.

• Ideal candidate: B2B sales, marketing and business development experience. Prior print industry not required.



3000 sf leased space with negotiated 2-year extension with right of assignment.


Missouri, MO

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