Asking Price
Gross Revenue
Not Disclosed
Cash Flow
Not Disclosed
Excellent opportunity to own well-established and complete Auto Repair Center with a loyal clientele. This auto repair business has two bays, and all the necessary equipment to do oil changes, engine and general repairs. Brakes, engine performance & repair, electrical system, and trans/rear axle allowed on premises. The low rent includes sales tax and water. Owner willing to continue working for a few months (terms to be negotiated). Opportunity to increase income by extending working days. (Owner not open on Saturday’s).
Great as a starting business for a mechanic that wants to go from employee to owner, or for someone that is paying a high rent elsewhere and looking to reduce expenses.
Growth Prospects
Near auto body shops.
Reason for Selling
Other interest.
Will train for 2 weeks at zero cost.
Will continue with the new owner for a few months (terms to be negotiated).
Two bays and the necessary equipment to do oil changes, engine and general repairs. Brakes, engine performance & repair, electrical system, and more.
Miami, FL
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