Asking Price
Not Disclosed
Gross Revenue
Cash Flow
Not Disclosed
Capacity-Limited, High Local Demand & Reliable Year-Round Revenue
The industry of oil patch drilling requires heavy lifting from specialized equipment such as crane, picker trucks, and a variety of other equipment that can efficiently (and safely) maneuver heavy, hazardous loads. Routine maintenance is also crucial to keep oil refineries up and running, requiring heavy equipment to be brought onsite. Oilfield transportation companies are therefore central to the productivity of drilling teams and the general success of the industry.
This oilfield transportation company for sale provides a wide selection of specialized equipment required to meet the needs of the surrounding oil and gas industry. Their fleet includes modern and well-maintained equipment, manned by employees with the proper industry experience and safety training. Within more general oilfield transportation services, this company specializes in facility setups and is certified to haul hazardous waste, such as contaminated soil and flammable solids. Facility setups and breakdowns happen all year round, and regardless of drilling cycles, making this sector a steadier business.
Situated on the largest oil reserve in North America, this Oilfield Transportation company has no shortage of available work. Since the Covid shutdowns in 2020 that directly impacted the global oil industry, operations have returned to normal levels and annual revenues grew in the following years from $3.9M to $6.3M.
The company is approaching max capacity, operating at 90%-100% utilization of their current equipment, and further growth could be unlocked with an investment into additional equipment and laborers. Based on local current demand, the owner estimates their client load could easily triple with sufficient equipment and manpower. The industry is projected to continue to grow as well with the planned expansion of several local pipelines.
The owner is choosing to step back at this time to focus on his family. He also believes his company could grow exponentially under the guidance of new ownership & a fresh perspective, which he believes the company ultimately deserves.
Over the past 20 years, against a backdrop of economic variability, severe industry fluctuations, a global pandemic, and changes in ownership - this company has remained competitive against its publicly-traded rival, served as a reliable vendor for its clients, and steadily became a lucrative multi-million dollar operation.
For more information, including full financials, a video Q&A with the owner, SWOT analysis and more, please visit the web link to sign an electronic NDA and access the private details.
Reason for Selling
Owner would like to spend more time with family
Business owner is willing to stay on up to 5 years, as needed.
The company currently leases a facility in order to preserve cashflow for more critical revenue-generating assets. The 9,600 sq. ft. building includes an 1,800 sq. ft. office and washroom and a 7,800 sq. ft. shop & wash bay area. The space is a certified CVIP inspection and service facility, which allows the company to maintain equipment on schedule at a more favorable price point than paying to outsource this important function.
Alberta, AB
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