Kathleen Jones, Business Broker

Kathleen Jones

Business Team / BTI Group

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I specialize in helping business owners find qualified buyers when they are ready to sell. I develop YOUR individual exit strategy utilizing state-of-the-art financial analytical tools and marketing techniques.
Business Team has been a leader in selling businesses since 1981 with 7,000+ transactions and thousands of satisfied clients.

Areas Served

  • Orange County, California


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1475 S. Bascom
Suite 113
Campbell, CA

Business Team, a unit of BTI Group, is the Largest Business Brokerage Firm in the Western United States specializing in arranging the purchase and sale of privately owned companies. During our third of a century of existence, we have developed both an unmatched depth of experience (an aggregate of several hundred years!) and a vast network of individual, corporate, and investment group buyers.

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Kathleen Jones

( Agent )

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