William Bruce Business Sales & Acquisitions, LLC is a full service, national business brokerage and valuation firm serving privately held businesses with special attention given to pricing, strategic marketing, successful negotiation and prompt closings, all the while maintaining strict confidentiality. William Bruce currently serves as president of the American Business Brokers Association.
The firm offers services nationally for buyers and sellers of privately held companies including valuations, due diligence investigations, cash flow analysis, merger and acquisition advisory services.
Areas Served
- Alabama
- Mississippi
- Louisiana
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Nationally by specific request
With offices in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Fairhope, Alabama, William Bruce Business Sales & Acquisitions, LLC is a full-service, national business brokerage and valuation firm. The firm serves privately held businesses with special attention given to pricing, strategic marketing, successful negotiation and prompt closings, all the while maintaining strict confidentiality.
William Bruce

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