Profitable Pet Boarding & Grooming Business for Sale

Well established business with excellent growth potential

Missouri, MO

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Year Established
13 full time
5400 sq.ft.



This well-established and profitable pet services business is family owned and operated. Includes indoor and outdoor boarding kennel and cattery on 2 acres in excellent Midwest location. With over 50 years in the business, they have developed boarding care and extra services that have consistently exceeded the expectations of their customers and their pets.

Additional services include grooming, as well as retail products to round out their family pet care services. Real estate is available for purchase or lease.

Growth Prospects

The pet service industry is growing at an alarming rate. The year over year sales for the pet market is just exploding. This is a wonderful time to step into this market and be able to flourish.


Reason for Selling






Real estate available for lease or purchase. 3 buildings, approx 5400 sq ft.


Missouri, MO

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Ad Id: ld1783 | LST1178