Asking Price
Gross Revenue
Cash Flow
Not Disclosed
ASSET SALE...this Crossfit gym is perfectly situated in the middle of town. It offers all the equipment needed to serve a sizable clientle. ALL the equipment is owned with over 10,000 square feet of gym space. Currently have over 100 members with 7 different classes per day. The new owner could add value with additional marketing, offer contracts to local tenants, collaborate with professional trainers to use the facility. Training included intense bootcamp type training for those looking to take their physical fitness to the next level. The Gym could potentially relocate!
Reason for Selling
Pursuing Other Interests
4 weeks, 10 hours per week
Hours Monday through Friday from 6 am through 9 pm, Saturday from 9 am through 2 pm, Sunday from 10 am to 2 pm
San Diego, CA
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